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I know that not everyone wants custom movies.  But in my long career as a fetish model, actress, bondage rigger and producer, I've met lots of people who've wanted advice, both professional (want to be a model? A producer?) and personal (getting into the scene, introducing a partner, how to come to terms with your fantasies).  I'm no trained therapist, but I might be able to assist you with practical advice, and a listening, non-judgemental ear.  If that's what you could do with, I offer Skype & Facetime consultations.  


My fees are;-


150 GBP or 230 USD  per hour


I don't offer a traditional webcam girl service, I'm afraid. I like recording performances, rather than offering a live sexual experience.


Use the Contact Form on the home page to set up a chat!









Image Copyright Hywel Phillips

copyright Hywel Phillips
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